Mulberry Greens Estate

Topographic Maps & Development Potential

Mulberry Greens is outlined in black. An enlarged view of is presented below.

Mulberry Greens Estate is flat to gently rolling land that was once used for growing corn, cotton, and cattle. It is currently planted in pasture, hardwood forest, loblolly pines and wildlife plots. The wildlife plots contain many crops including sunflowers, lespedeza, walnuts, pecans, hybrid blackberries, serecia, and various grasses.

The property has 2000 feet of paved frontage on Mulberry Lane. While we feel the value of the Estate is in it's entirety, if you choose, the property could be subdivided. There are at least seven excellent building sites with road frontage. There are numerous additional building sites away from Mulberry Lane. The property is an ideal investment for development.

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